Women Praise and Worship TeamCCI Muranga2023-08-30T09:22:12+00:00 Women Praise and Worship Team Women Praise and Worship Team during Ladies Sunday 11th June 2024
Young Mothers make a Presentation during Ladies Sunday, 11th June 2023CCI Muranga2023-08-30T09:20:05+00:00 Young Mothers make a Presentation during Ladies Sunday, 11th June 2023 Young Mothers make a Presentation during Ladies Sunday, 11th June 2023
Pre-Form one Orientation MentorshipCCI Muranga2023-08-30T09:09:54+00:00 Pre-Form one Orientation Mentorship Pre-Form one Orientation Mentorship Forum by Fidelis Muthubi, A seasoned career counsellor
Hopelovele Wanjiku Teaching Discovery during Children SundayCCI Muranga2023-08-30T08:57:56+00:00 Hopelovele Wanjiku Teaching Discovery during Children Sunday
Alvin Kamau, Class 7 making announcements during Children SundayCCI Muranga2023-08-30T09:44:20+00:00 Alvin Kamau, Class 7 making announcements during Children Sunday Alvin Kamau, Class 7 making announcements during Children Sunday
Prudence Wanjiru Ministering a Junior Youth MinisteringCCI Muranga2023-08-30T08:28:53+00:00 Prudence Wanjiru Ministering a Junior Youth Ministering
2023 Planning Board meeting at Nokras HotelCCI Muranga2023-04-19T18:25:02+00:00 2023 Planning Board meeting at Nokras Hotel
Pre-Form 1 Orientation ProceedingsCCI Muranga2023-04-19T18:26:21+00:00 Pre-Form 1 Orientation Proceedings
CCI Murang’a ladies pay a Visit to the Late Pastor Nancy’s ParentsCCI Muranga2022-06-10T13:35:55+00:00 CCI Murang’a ladies pay a Visit to the Late Pastor Nancy’s Parents