September 26, 2021


Service Type:

CCI – Murang’a (26th September, 2021)

The physical life on earth is a pilgrimage from birth to death; with many different encounters. Undoubtedly, each one of us has a story – reason why at the last respect, a eulogy (‘story of the late’). The encounter experiences comprise of low and high moments as explained by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, concerning ‘time for everything’.

However, our faith in God makes us different from those who have not put their faith in God (non-believers). Our firm faith in God makes us to:
a. Hold on Him even at our lowest moments.
b. Acknowledge Him during our High moments.
Therefore, our loving Father desires of us two things:
i. To always be persuaded that “there is a God in heaven who changes the times and seasons’ (Daniel 2:21)

ii. To understand the times with knowledge of what to do during the prevailing time (1 Chronicles 12:32)
God Changes Our Story

In order to experience the changing circumstances of life successfully, I share with you two important keys:

You should know and be convinced that there is a God in Heaven who ‘changes Times and Seasons”. Irrespective of what you are experiencing right now, things will not remain the same forever.

What time or season are you in today or right now?

2. To navigate safely through the changing circumstances of life, the following 4 principles would provide rich support:


a). My God has a good plan for me… to give me a future and a hope (Jer. 29:11)

b). It shall be well with me as time goes by (Is. 3:10)

c). God will make everything beautiful in His time (Ecc. 3:11)

d). I will stand on the promises of God (2 Cor.1:20)

Biblical Examples

There are examples of people that God changed their stories: let us consider a few.

 Jabez (1 Chr. 4:9-10)


A persistent prayer to God emanating from a desire to change the painful experience is significant
2. God Knows and is concerned….

“For I Know their sorrows” God does not need anybody to explain about our sorrows, He knows. Remember He is the Lord God who is all knowing. He knows your needs, your fears, sorrows, pains, heartaches, name it. He knows! He cares about you and that is why He is concerned about your present and the future!

3. Elizabeth (Luk. …!!!

“And I have come to deliver them out …” God comes to deliver us from whatever situation, name it! The master plan of His deliverance strategy is with Him. And He has the Power, Wisdom, and Might to execute His deliverance plan as He did to the children of Israel.

Dr. Githaiga Gathiira

Pastor, Christian Church International, Murang’a